The Burnout Antidote: Dose 7 – Imagine Your 80th Birthday

In this video titled “The Burnout Antidote: Dose 7 – Imagine Your 80th Birthday,” co-hosts Amy and Paul from Psych Hub’s podcast discuss the importance of personal values and how they influence our identities and well-being. They emphasize the significance of thinking about our personal and professional goals, as well as our roles as care providers, in order to avoid burnout. Throughout the series, they provide ten tools to help healthcare professionals heal and protect themselves from burnout, with each dose releasing on Thursdays. This particular dose encourages viewers to imagine their 80th birthday and reflect on what truly matters to them in life. It also highlights the idea of creating a personal mission statement and continually revisiting it as we go through different phases of life. Psych Hub is an educational service, and while their videos offer valuable insights, they emphasize that professional advice should always be sought when experiencing mental health symptoms.

The Burnout Antidote: Dose 7 – Imagine Your 80th Birthday

The Burnout Antidote: Dose 7 - Imagine Your 80th Birthday


Hey there, it’s Amy and Paul from Psych Hub! Today, we want to talk about something that might seem a little out there, but bear with us. We’re going to take you on a journey to your 80th birthday. Yep, that’s right, we want you to imagine yourself celebrating eight decades of life. Now, you might be wondering why on earth we’re asking you to do this. Well, trust us, it’s not just a whimsical exercise. It’s actually a powerful tool to help you understand what truly matters to you and guide you on the path towards a fulfilling and balanced life. So, grab a piece of cake and let’s dive in!

Understanding Your Values

First things first, let’s talk about values. We all have them, whether we realize it or not. Our values are the principles and beliefs that guide our decisions, actions, and overall sense of purpose. They are deeply ingrained in us and shape who we are as individuals. Understanding our values is crucial because they play a significant role in both our personal and work identities.

Influence of Values on Personal and Work Identities

Our values have a tremendous impact on how we show up in the world. They shape our personal identity, influencing the relationships we form, the activities we engage in, and the choices we make. For example, if family is one of your core values, you might prioritize spending quality time with loved ones and making them a central part of your life.

Similarly, our values also shape our work identities. If you value making a positive impact on others, you may be drawn to a career in healthcare, where you can provide care and support to those in need. Understanding these values can help you align your personal and work identities, creating a sense of congruence and fulfillment.

Prioritizing Personal Life

Now, let’s shift our focus to your personal life. It’s so easy to get caught up in the demands of work and neglect our own needs and desires. But here’s the thing – taking care of yourself is absolutely crucial, especially if you’re a care provider. How can you effectively take care of others if you’re running on empty?

So, take a moment to reflect on what you want to prioritize in your personal life. Think about the activities, hobbies, and relationships that bring you joy and fulfillment. Maybe it’s pursuing a passion project, spending more time with loved ones, or simply taking better care of your physical and mental well-being. Whatever it is, make a commitment to prioritize these aspects of your life.

Nurturing Your Identity as a Care Provider

As care providers, our work is a significant part of our identity. It’s a calling that requires compassion, empathy, and a genuine desire to help others. But it’s important not to let our identity become solely defined by our work. Remember, you are more than just a care provider. You are a multifaceted individual with dreams, desires, and interests outside of your professional life.

So, make sure to nurture all aspects of your identity. Engage in activities that bring you fulfillment outside of work. Take time to recharge and replenish your energy. Remember, your ability to provide care to others is directly linked to how well you take care of yourself.

The Burnout Antidote: Dose 7 - Imagine Your 80th Birthday

Setting Career Goals

While it’s crucial to prioritize your personal life, it’s also important to set career goals. Having clear goals can provide a sense of direction and purpose in your professional life. Take some time to reflect on where you want to be in your career. What are your aspirations? What skills do you want to develop? What impact do you want to make?

Setting career goals doesn’t mean you have to be rigid in your plans. Life is unpredictable, and circumstances may change. However, having goals gives you something to strive for and a roadmap to guide your decisions and actions.

Exploring Different Phases in Life

Life is composed of different phases, each with its own unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you’re just starting your healthcare career, transitioning into a leadership role, or entering a new stage of life like becoming an empty nester, it’s important to recognize and navigate these transitions.

As you move through these phases, revisit your personal mission statement regularly. Your values and needs may evolve over time, and that’s perfectly okay. Embrace change and give yourself permission to explore new possibilities. Your personal mission statement is a living document, not set in stone.

The Concept of a Personal Mission Statement

Now, let’s talk about the concept of a personal mission statement. A personal mission statement is a written declaration of what you value, what you need, and who you want to be as a whole functioning human. It encompasses all aspects of your life, not just your work self.

Creating a personal mission statement is a powerful exercise that allows you to gain clarity and set intentions for your life. It helps you align your thoughts, values, and actions, enabling you to make choices that are in line with your true self.

Identifying What You Value and Need

To create your personal mission statement, start by identifying what you value and need. What truly matters to you? What are the core principles that guide your life? Take some time to reflect on these questions and write down your thoughts.

Think about your relationships, your health, your personal growth, and your overall well-being. Consider what you need to thrive in these areas. Maybe it’s more time for self-care, stronger social connections, or opportunities for learning and development. Get clear on what you need to lead a fulfilling and balanced life.

Practicing Self-Care and Well-being

Self-care and well-being are crucial for preventing burnout and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. As care providers, it’s easy to neglect our own needs while caring for others. But remember, self-care is not selfish. It’s a necessary practice for your overall well-being.

Make a commitment to prioritize self-care in your daily life. This can include activities like exercise, mindfulness practices, spending time in nature, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy. Find what works for you and make it a non-negotiable part of your routine.

The Burnout Antidote: Dose 7 - Imagine Your 80th Birthday

The Importance of Skillfulness

In addition to taking care of your well-being, it’s also important to focus on skillfulness. Skillfulness refers to developing the skills and qualities necessary to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and effectiveness. It’s about continuously learning and growing as a person.

Identify areas in your life where you can enhance your skillfulness based on your personal mission statement. Maybe you need to improve your communication skills, develop better time management strategies, or work on your ability to adapt to change. Invest in your growth and development to become the best version of yourself.

The Exercise of My 80th Birthday

Now, let’s dive into that exercise we mentioned earlier – envisioning your 80th birthday. Picture yourself sitting there, surrounded by loved ones, with a cake ablaze with candles. Take a moment to reflect on the life you’ve lived.

What moments and achievements fill you with pride and excitement? What do you regret or wish you had done differently? The purpose of this exercise is to gain clarity on what truly matters to you and to use that insight as a guide for your present and future actions.

Reflecting on the Life You’ve Lived

As you reflect on the life you’ve lived, consider the things that have brought you the most joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Celebrate your achievements and acknowledge the positive impact you’ve made in the lives of others.

Take time to appreciate the journey you’ve been on and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Reflecting on your past experiences can provide valuable insights and inspiration for the path ahead.

Feeling Proud and Excited

Feeling proud and excited about the life you’ve lived is a magnificent feeling. It’s a testament to living a life aligned with your values and pursuing what truly matters to you. Celebrate your accomplishments and the person you’ve become.

At the same time, embrace the excitement that comes from knowing there is still so much ahead of you. Your 80th birthday is not the end; it’s a milestone in a lifelong journey of growth and discovery.

Addressing Regrets and Taking Action

As you reflect on your 80th birthday, it’s natural to have regrets or things you wish you had done differently. Use these regrets as a guide for your present and future actions. Identify what steps you can take now to address those regrets or prevent them from happening in the first place.

Remember, it’s never too late to make changes and course-correct. Every day is an opportunity to move closer to the life you envision for yourself.

Revisiting Personal Mission Statements

Our personal mission statements are not set in stone. Just as we evolve and change over time, so do our values and needs. That’s why it’s important to revisit our personal mission statements regularly.

As you transition through different phases of life, take the time to reflect on whether your current mission statement still aligns with who you are and what you want. Allow yourself the freedom to revise and update it as needed. Remember, you are a verb, not a noun. Embrace the ever-changing nature of your journey.

Understanding Changes and Growth

Change is an inevitable part of life, and it’s essential to embrace it. As you grow and evolve, your values and needs may shift. This is a natural progression and a sign of personal growth.

Allow yourself to adapt and embrace new possibilities. Let go of any expectations or attachments to the way things “should” be and open yourself up to the opportunities that come with change. Embracing change can lead to personal transformation and a more fulfilling life.

Giving Yourself Permission to Evolve

Lastly, we want to emphasize the importance of giving yourself permission to evolve. Often, we hold ourselves back because we’re afraid of change or judgment from others. But your life is yours to live, and you have the power to make choices that align with who you are, even if they deviate from societal norms or expectations.

Embrace your uniqueness and follow your own path. Give yourself permission to prioritize your well-being, pursue your passions, and make changes, even if they seem unconventional. Remember, your happiness and fulfillment are worth it.


So there you have it – a journey to your 80th birthday. We hope this exercise has inspired you to reflect on what truly matters in your life and given you the tools to navigate the challenges and joys that lie ahead.

Remember, your values, personal life, identity as a care provider, and career goals are all interconnected. By understanding and prioritizing each of these elements, you can create a life that aligns with your true self and leads to greater overall well-being.

As always, we’re here to support you on your journey towards a burnout-free life. Keep exploring, learning, and growing, and don’t forget to celebrate your wins along the way. Cheers to a life well-lived!

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