Establishing Rama Rajya: Cultivating Divine Qualities for a Just and Prosperous Nation

Embark on a journey to establish Rama Rajya, a just and prosperous nation, by cultivating divine qualities within ourselves. Learn the significance of consecration and the role of individual transformation in achieving this ideal state. Join us in embracing the teachings of Ramaraja for a better future.

Encountering Beings from Another Dimension: Sadhguru’s Experience

Experience the extraordinary as Sadhguru shares his encounter with beings from another dimension during a temple consecration. Discover their unique appearances, human-like noises, and the fascinating speculation about their thought processes and bodies. Explore the depictions of these beings in Indian and Greek cultures and how artists may have transformed their original forms over time. Join Sadhguru as he delves into the mysteries of other dimensions and expands our understanding of the interconnectedness of existence.